UC San Diego CSE Internship Symposium 2024

Quick facts about judging posters at the 2024 CSE Summer Internship Symposium

The symposium website is https://internshipsymposium.ucsd.edu/symposium2024.html.

12:15pm - Judge check-in
CSE 1241. Please pick up your name tag and poster judging assignments, then join us across the hall for refreshments and the opening remarks.
12:30pm - Opening remarks
CSE 1242. Light refreshments served.
12:35pm - Poster Session 1
CSE 1242.
1:10pm - Poster Session 2
CSE 1242.
1:40pm - Judge deliberation time
CSE 1241.
1:45pm - Award ceremony and Closing remarks
CSE 1242.
Alumni Board Q&A
Immediately following the Summer Internship Symposium, CSE 1242.

Poster judging assignments

Poster judging assignments will be printed and handed to you on a clipboard when you check in. The map of poster locations is here:

Poster map

The role of the faculty judge is to speak with approximately 5-10 students who have prepared 3 minutes of highlights in one of three tracks, and select a winner and an honorable mention for each track in each of the two sessions.

There will be multiple judges for each track and session; please use the time between 3:20 and 3:50 to compare notes and jointly decide on winder and honorable mention. You can use CSE 1241 for these deliberations.