UC San Diego CSE Internship Symposium 2023

Quick facts about serving on the alumni panel at the 2023 CSE Summer Internship Symposium

The symposium website is https://internshipsymposium.ucsd.edu/symposium2023.html.

Panelist check-in
1:30pm, CSE 1241. Please pick up your name tag, then join us across the hall for refreshments and the opening remarks.
Opening remarks
2pm, CSE 1242. Light refreshments served.
Poster Sessions
2:20pm, CSE 1202 + CSE Building Lobby. You're welcome to browse the posters and speak with the student presenters. Please be back at CSE 1242 by 3:15pm so we can set up the panel.
Internship Alumni Panel
3:20pm, CSE 1242.
Award ceremony and Closing remarks
3:50pm, CSE 1242.
Alumni Board Q&A
Immediately following the Summer Internship Symposium, CSE 1242.

Alumni Panel

The alumni panel is an opportunity for current students to hear about alumni experiences related to internships. Some of the students in the audience will have just completed an internship. Others will be looking for internships for next summer or beyond. The goal of the panel is to help students feel empowered and to recognize the many different experiences (good and bad) that can be part of the journey from school to career.

Sample questions for alumni panel
Please introduce yourself: what years were you at UCSD, what are some of your favorite memories?
Looking back now at your time at UCSD, what advice would you give your younger self?
What is the most common mistake you see people make when they think about applying for internships or new grad jobs?
Can you share an example of a negative experience you had at a company or looking for jobs, and what you learned from it?