Apply to CSE 191

Once you have been hired for an internship position and decided you want to enroll in CSE 191:

  1. Fill out an EASy request for CSE 191 with instructor Prof. Minnes. Attach your offer letter from your prospective employer to the request.
    EASy request:
  2. (If needed:) Fill out an iPortal request for ISPO office and also attach your offer letter to it.
  3. You will receive an email regarding enrollment instructions to your email address if you are eligible for the course.
Please note it is your responsibility to add the course to your schedule within the Add period for the quarter you would like to be enrolled in CSE 191.

Sign up for one unit, P/NP (the default passing letter grade assigned otherwise is a B).

It is expected that CSE 191 will be taken concurrently (at the same time) as the relevant internship. You may only get credit for CSE 191 three times.

CSE 191 Course Requirements

During your internship: record your experiences, accomplishments, and lessons learned. You do not need to submit this journal.

At the end of the term or at the end of your internship (whichever comes first) Write a 300-500 word reflection on the internship project, including:

Background on your internship
Include company name, project, product, start and end dates, location.
A key achievement of your internship
This achievement can be a professional milestone, technical accomplishment, or an example of problem-solving or learning. Describe the achievement and your process. What are you especially proud of? How did you grow as you accomplished this goal?
Connection to UC San Diego
What techniques from your coursework did you apply to solve real world problems? What skills or professional behaviors carried over from UC San Diego? What will you bring back from the internship experience to the continuation of your education at UC San Diego?

If you are taking CSE 191 in conjunction with an extended internship at the same company, and have submitted and end-of-term report for this internship during an earlier quarter, your end-of-term report must be substantially different and must address the new learning and experiences you had at your company during this quarter.

Email your reflection to the Faculty sponsor with the subject [CSE 191] Final report: YOUR NAME

The report is due by Friday of Week 10 of the quarter in which you're enrolled in CSE 191.

For Special Summer Session 2023, the report is due by Monday September 9, 2023.