What is CSE 197?

CSE 197 helps students draw maximum benefit from their paid, full-time, on-company-site/hybrid/remote engineering internships. In these internships, students are mentored as they work in novel situations on real-world projects. CSE 197 helps students draw lasting practical, technical, and professional insights from these experiences, as well as opportunities to learn from the internship experiences of other CSE 197 students. Successful CSE 197 students earn 4 units of elective credit.

*The deadlines and application forms on this site are updated once each year, around week 5 of Spring quarter.*


What is CSE 191?

CSE 191 is a one-unit non-elective credit class for work done in conjunction with an internship. Each time students enroll in CSE191, they earn one unit of academic credit. Students may earn credit for CSE 191 at most three times.


What are the defining characteristics of an internship experience?

  • Novelty
  • Mentorship

For example, founding a company does not qualify as an internship because you are not being mentored. On the other hand, if you are hired to work as a summer intern in a startup where you will be mentored by an existing employee, that may be a summer internship.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the workload for CSE 197?

Through CSE197, you will identify and deepen the connections between your UC San Diego coursework and real world problems. You will also reflect on the growth of your professional, problem-solving, and technical skills over the internship. Your activities for CSE 197 will span the entire duration of your internship. It is not possible to join CSE 197 after your internship has already begun.

Throughout the internship, you will post on the Piazza discussion forum both reflections and comments. Each student is expected to post weekly reflections on the week as well as responses to specific questions I will pose that are intended to guide the discussion. Students will read and give feedback to group members. The goal is that sharing these experiences communally will enhance each of your internships.

Near the completion of your internship you will prepare a poster highlighting a key achievement of your internship (technical, educational, or professional). This poster will be presented at the Summer Internship Symposium in the Fall quarter. In case of excused extenuating circumstances, alternate work may be submitted in lieu of presenting in the Symposium.

What is the workload for CSE 191?
Once you are cleared to enroll in CSE 191, you will track your personal, professional, and technical growth throughout your internship experience. At the end of the internship, you will submit a reflection on the internship project, including background, key achievements, and connections to UC San Diego.
Are students from majors not in CSE eligible to enroll in CSE 191 or CSE 197?
At this time, enrollment is limited to CSE-department majors only. If your major is in another department, we encourage you to reach out to your departments' advising team for options of companion courses available to your internship. Courses that students in the past have chosen including MATH 197, COGS 197, ECE 197, and AIP 197. Computer Engineering students whose home department is ECE are not eligible for CSE 191 and CSE 197.
Can I enroll in CSE 197 in the Fall Quarter and avoid paying Summer Session tuition for this class?
For summer internships, unless you are an international student using CSE 197 for CPT requirements, you may enroll in CSE 197 either in the Summer or in the Fall. However, the reflection journal work for CSE 197 must be completed during your internship regardless of which quarter you enroll in.
Can I wait to add CSE 197 to my Fall schedule until the start of the Fall quarter?
Yes. If adding CSE 197 would cause you to exceed the allowed units for second-pass enrollment, you can delay adding the course until the start of the Fall quarter. However, it is your responsibility to add the course in a timely manner; I won't be sending out reminders. Moreover, you must complete CSE 197 work during your internship (i.e. over the summer), even if you wait to enroll in the course for the Fall.
If my internship is in the Summer but I'm enrolling in CSE 197 for the following Fall quarter, when do I complete the CSE 197 assignments?
The weekly reflections must coincide with the weeks of your internship. If your internship is in the summer, you complete these assignments in the summer.
When are the due dates/ deadlines for assignments?
Unless otherwise specified, the weekly reflections are intended to be timed with the weeks of your internship. If your internship starts, for example, on Monday the n'th of June, then your week 1 reflection would be due by the evening of Sunday June n+6. The exception to this is the Week 0 assignment, for which the due date is described on the assignment page.
Do I need to submit a letter from my employer confirming the internship?
Yes. When you submit your documents to EASy to be cleared to enrol in the class, you'll need to upload documentation from your internship employer confirming your start and end dates, the company name and location, and your job title or description.
What if my internship starts at an unusual time?
Work through the application checklist criteria and soon as possible to start your application for CSE 197 early. You'll be advised on when to start class activities and which quarters are available for enrollment in the course.
How do I know if I'm on track for passing the course?
The minimum passing requirements are describe on the class syllabus.
How many times can I enroll in CSE 191?
The university limits CSE 191 to a maximum of three times or 12 units (whichever comes first).
How many times can I enroll in CSE 197?
A maximum of four units of CSE 197 can be counted towards major requirements.

Links to Resources

UC San Diego CSE department: https://cse.ucsd.edu/
CSE Undergraduate Program FAQ: https://cse.ucsd.edu/undergraduate/prospective-students
General page for CSE 191 classes: https://cse.ucsd.edu/undergraduate/cse-191-seminar-computer-science-and-engineering-0
Jacobs School of Engineering: https://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/
EASy (use Request Type: Special Studies): https://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/Modules/Students/PreAuth
UC San Diego International Students & Programs Office: https://ispo.ucsd.edu/
Faculty sponsor for CSE 191, CSE 197: Prof. Mia Minnes, CSE (EBU-3b) 4206, minnes@ucsd.edu